Study DescriptionWelcome to the “How’s my PI?” study. The goal of this study is simple: We need to gather descriptive data about the climate of scientific research labs, and we need information about the people who run them—typically referred to as Principal Investigators, or PIs.
Our hope is to gather enough information to build an understanding of the factors that contribute to successful scientific research and positive research experiences. Our hope is to get information from members of scientific laboratories that span a wide range of experience (i.e., research assistants, graduate and undergraduate students, post docs, research scientists, research technicians, research fellows, Principal Investigators, etc.). If you participate in the survey (which should take about 25 to 30 minutes) you will complete questions about 1) the climate in your lab, 2) your PIs social, emotional, and behavioral skills related to running a lab, and 3) some questions about yourself and your well-being. We have designed the survey to be anonymous. With that said, we will not share any individual-level data without first de-identifying the data so that neither you nor your PI should be identifiable. Also, we designed the survey so that it will give you immediate feedback about where your PI scores on social, emotional, and behavioral skills, and where you score on well-being, and personality compared to other researchers. |
ParticipateHOW'S MY PI?How does your research advisor compare to others on social, emotional, and behavioral skills? Are you dealing with a difficult or a supportive person? Is that the norm or is it your advisor too different from others? This test allows you to compare your ratings to the ratings of other students of their own advisors, so you can get a picture of where your advisor stands.
Aprox. Duration: 25 to 30 minutes. Immediate results after the Survey. You get to compare your ratings of your PI to ratings of other PIs. |
Our Preliminary Analysis
This is what we found so far about the characteristics of PIs in different branches of science, ranked from most favorable to least favorable.
Capacity for Social Warmth
1. Life Sciences: 4.14 2. Engineering and Computer Science: 3.57 3. Social Sciences: 3.8 4. Physical Sciences: 3.67 |
Leadership Skills
1. Engineering and Computer Science: 3.3 2. Life Sciences: 3.98 3. Physical Sciences: 3.48 4. Social Sciences: 3.64 |
Anger Management
1. Physical Sciences: 4 2. Life Sciences: 4.03 3. Engineering and Computer Science: 3.24 4. Social Sciences: 3.77 |
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to the primary investigator for this survey:
C. K. Gunsalus, Director, National Center for Professional and Research Ethics [email protected]
C. K. Gunsalus, Director, National Center for Professional and Research Ethics [email protected]